Referential intensions: a logical calculus for synonymy Abstract: The "referential intension" of a term A is a "process" (or "abstract algorithm") which computes the denotation of A, and it provides a precise, mathematical modeling of "meaning" (Frege's "sense") for fragments of natural language. The main emphasis in this course will be on a simple "logical calculus for synonymy" which is derived from this modeling, and which suggests answers to some standard puzzles and problems in philosophy of language and in linguistics. Outline: (1) The Fregean framework; Montague semantics and alternative approaches; the simple, typed lambda-calculus with acyclic recursion. (2), (3) The calculi of reduction and synonymy, for terms, sentences and utterances; direct versus immediate reference for variables, proper names and demonstratives; comparison with Kaplan's "character" and "content". (4) Propositional attitudes; non-modal modeling(s) of belief and knowledge. (5) The simple, typed lambda-calculus with full recursion; meaning and synonymy for non-denoting sentences (e.g., the liar).