The main focus of NASSLLI is on the interface between linguistics, logic,
and computation, broadly conceived, and on related fields. NASSLLI is a
week-long summer school featuring courses on many topics of interest to
students and researchers. Some of the course topics are introductory,
while others are advanced courses that bring students to areas of active
The instructors are leading researchers who like teaching in
interdisciplinary settings. Three of the courses involve work in computer
labs as well.
NASSLLI also has a student session, as well evening lectures and social
events. This year, two conferences overlap with NASSLLI. They are Mathematics of
Language, and Theoretical Aspects of Reasoning
About Knowledge. Both MoL and TARK will be held June 20-22. NASSLLI
participants are encouraged to attend the lectures of these conferences.
Please come to NASSLLI for an exciting week of learning this coming
Please send all correspondence to